Matte Option 100 % Certain : 1 Week After You Buy Glossy.
What are the chances of a matte screen option for iMacs being announced at Macworld? Do you think Apple have recognized the many complaints voiced on here and elsewhere about the ultra reflective gloss version currently available? Or am I building my hopes up?
This film seems promising.
But, setting up a clean room and lining up the edges
perfectly will be murder.
"Getting used to a 24" rear-view mirror" is simply ridiculous and people ought to stop suggesting it.
Who needs the dramatically intended dark fields of a motion picture classic filled with reflections of our wall clocks, paintings, book shelves, window views of street lights, airplanes, our own faces illuminated by the iMac screen itself, etc.?
QUESTION: What is "mother glass" ? Aren't ALL LCD displays made of glass ? And are not most large LCD TV's ( Like my 30" ) coated for low-glare ?
QUESTION: If Apple offered a low-glare iMac , would it be simply a factory-applied version of the matte film sold at the URL I show above ?
Because, if so, then I will simply work my butt off to apply it perfectly myself and NO it won't ruin the design etc ---- go visit the site and see their pics as well as the YouTube clip on applying it. It looks fine on the site ads.
The best film I have ever used is
Invisible Shield - ZAGG. But, even on an iPhone, it is really hard to apply perfectly. It took me hours, in a hot apartment, with no ventilation, waiting for the micro-dust to settle , donning gloves, preparing the operation table, top-quality tweezers for plucking , bright spot lights for detecting dust etc., wetting solution, face mask, ... it came out perfect. Two months later, it developed a strain line (uneven stretch) that cut across two pixel rows creating a very visible barber-pole refraction line. I stripped it off. I will try again soon.