Internet speed tests are no way to test wifi link throughput. They are for testing your Internet connection. Run them from your desktop/laptop connected to your router over an Ethernet connection. For best results, use a native app, (Ookla now has a desktop app for MacOS), not a browser-based test.
Even then, they are deeply flawed, because they really test throughput to some speed-testing site on the net. It would be better to first test the throughput to your ISP (ignoring the Internet) - but few ISPs are interested is running a test server that would reveal to customers the true throughput between your home and their facility. This would reveal - for example - whether a cable provider is overloading their local nodes with too many "homes passed". (If you test to some site beyond the ISP on the Internet, the ISP can always deny it is their problem.)
Once you establish throughput between your router and the ISP, then it might be interesting to test throughput to a multiplicity (NOT JUST ONE) of speed-test servers, and look at statistics. (min/max/mean).
Once you have done that, it would be interested to get some statistics on throughput to a multiplicity of real-world websites.
And that's where the crazy quest for hitting some impressive throughput number falls apart. Because, in the real world, it seldom makes much difference. There are few real-world sites that will deliver anything close to 1Gbps.
But, anyway.... if you are interested in knowing what your wifi throughput is, TEST YOUR WIFI THROUGHPUT.
A couple of good ways:
- Run an iperf server on a laptop/desktop connected to your router via Ethernet. Run an iperf client on your wifi device to test throughput. There are many apps in the app store that will do this. And you can easily install and run and iperf3 server from the macOS command line. (Install via homebrew is easiest.)
- There is a protocol for testing throughput to your router. I'll admit I'm fuzzy on the protocol, but I believe that every wifi router supports this. WiFi Sweetspots is one app that will do this test for you. It has an annoying "geiger counter" sound that you can turn off but can be useful for making a quick survey of your home. Of course, it will also show you a number and make a chart.