I reread your question and here's a little more.
Try to use a reputable p2p program, a lot of people use bit torrents nowadays and they are usually pretty reliable.
The one I suggest is Azureus univeral binary for the ppc. You have to play around w/ it a bit, it has some minor inconveniences that needs ironing out, but i like it best because it provides a large list of trackers for faster download. It also tests to make sure the required ports are open for increased ul/dl speeds.
The program has been around for awhile and its used widely.
If you are required to go into your router's settings and forward ports, look for vpn (virtual private network) or port forwarding options and menus and set it open. You can find more info from bt sites regarding how to do this.
Assuming you opened the required ports, the dl speed could still be slow due to large swarms. You have to keep in mind there are hundreds and sometimes thousands of people wanting to dl fast, so imo 50 kB/s isn't bad at all. Also, increasing your upload speed would obviously help
If you want easy and painless access to dl, pay for news groups. They usually go for 13-15 bux a month and dls at theoritical 1 MB/s. My dls are @ 800-900 kB/s