sorry for the extra delay busy with work
just some brain dump thoughts since you are in the decision state
I have two apple TVs have all my kids movies on itunes makes it easy for them to watch what they want etc.. and allows me some control of what they see etc.. and notice the apple tv draws very little
recently I added a elgato HD box going to edit out commercials for my little girl she loves clone wars

but dont like some of the commercials
the more I move forward with all are media and home server I have 5 mac pros hanging out here 2 are in heavy work load one is home theater setup the other two I am going to sell
then replace the home theater one with a new mac mini and some externals of some kind ? I want some that dont have fans and will know thats not the best but have a warranty and places still have them relative good pricing
this will then run all the apple TVs the Ipad sync stuff and general house stuff the mac pro just sucks way to much power !
my main work mac I do image editing and photography related only so just giving you ideas
Areca raid card (1220) going to 8 discs in a sans 8 bay case two 5 disc aid 5 stand alone boxes and another standard PM box just shy of 50 TB of storage on my box and about 20 on the other machine and a bunch of offline on top of it
for backup sounds like you are set so this again is just info on things I have used
now over the time I have come to hate and love the stand alone raid boxes !
I hate the fact they tend to burn out power supplies after a few years
I hate the glitches I had with firmware on the Venus T5 model I had so stay away from that one !
I like the fact I can have one large storage with some hardware safety and a PM style single sata cable connection
what I like about PM cases are nice easy one cable again and good enough speed
OK onto other thoughts
agree with nano about seagate ? used to love them but recent issues I am avoiding the WD green I have no real world experience so would say if he says they are good

thats good enough for me
I have had really good luck recently with hitachi and samsung F4 drives ? and have a bunch of 2 and 3 TB models
I would really look at the 2TB hitachi or samsung along with the green WD
and while I love 7200 the new 5400 are no slouch these days and can perform quite well and in a raid 10 setup the 5400 might be a option
I would ask Nanofrog about running the normal drives on that card from OWC if you go that route ? if he knows any limitation etc.. ? thats his specialty area for sure
the idea of raid 10 and not being able to rebuild ? I hear ya at the same time I never trust the idea of a rebuild so I go with the attitude its not going to happen

nice to know I can but the same time always backup and have two backups one off site if you can
I used to run raid 10 boxes a lot and would figure I would just rebuild complete off the backup if I needed to
I know its not what you want to think or do ? but its the way I think for worst case
I would make sure that card can rebuild of course

and test it out if you get one ! I always test my stuff that I plan on
one other thought would be if you get a mac mini and get a TB raid case ? the pegasus seem pretty cool then use a media type synology for backing up to and be able to stream some off that kinda a mixed setup ?
one other thing to remember is as you move forward building up a mac pro is to think about ? not paranoia

just to think life of product in case this is the last of the mac pros and they do not offer any more PCI slot computers !
if you buy a card and such and their is no more mac pros can you sell that card can you eat the cost and not worry ? again just thinking especially before you plop down say bigger money on a lot nicer raid card !
not sure if that helped ? but nano answered a bunch already
I know for the future of what I want to do with our home the mac mini and some external storage is in the future might go FW800 at first and then see what TB cases come out over the next year
my mac pro is a 5,1 model the other main one is a 3,1 that gets a update in a year or two and not sure what the future is for that replacement ?