Bringing this thread back....
I ran into my first problem with the Air's one USB port. I will be working abroad for 3 months, so i will be using my MBA as my primary computer. As such, I want to sycn my iPhone with my MBA.
I have some music on my MBA, but I have the majority on an external WD passport that I recently purchased. Both the music on the air and the music on the extenral HD are in the iTunes library, but i have created a playlist with the music that is only actually on the air, so when I am away from the HD, I don't have to worry about not being able to play some of the music.
I created an iPhone playlist, most of the music on that is actually stored on the MBA, and about 1/5th is on the external.
So I restored my phone, and I go to sync the iPhone, and wow, the realization hits me that I only have one USB port. I tried an unpowered USB hub, was able to get both the HD and the iphone connected, but the transfer didn't go so well.
So now I have two options:
1) transfer all the songs on the iphone playlist that are on the external to the air's hard drive. I have about 30GB free, which is good, but I'd rather not do this...
2) go out and buy a powered USB hub for like $35 and pray that it works.
Not sure which to have people's success been with powered hubs? has anyone run into any issues? I'm thinking that I will probably need the hub eventually - where i am going, they don't have wireless internet, so I will need the USB ethernet adapter, the HDD, and from time to time, the iPhone.