I am simply dying for the MBA update!
PLease help me!
P.S. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Sony Z
I am simply dying for the MBA update!
PLease help me!
I was fond of another alternative suggestion made by a poster in another thread: "Hookers and blow." For that one, my demand is only $899.99, which I will split with the guy who suggested it in the first place.Make love to your wife/gf. Go to a park. Use the computer you have now. Drink some booze. Take a leisurely stroll.
That'll be $949.99 for the help. I demand payment NOW.
Aren't we all? You needn't post another - email Mr. Jobs - October, anyone?I am simply dying for the MBA update!
PLease help me!
Not trying to be mean, but if you think you life is ba because of a computer... Read my thread "My life is ****" I haunt gotten over it yet. Another dude on this forum got his friend pregnant. Those are actually small REAL LIFE problems to be concerned about.
LOL!!! OP you really should read his thread...
I am simply dying for the MBA update!
PLease help me!