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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 9, 2011
I just got my mbp and when I looked in my system profiler, I found that my ATI 6970 1GB card was not the default, and appeared to not be in use. Is this a normal setting, can I change it, will the ati card kick in when it is necessary?
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macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2011
gfxCardStatus is a great utility for checking and assigning which video card your MBP is using. Its a good way to save power when you are unplugged.


macrumors 68040
Dec 5, 2009
maybe he was dreaming he had a 6970M.
A GPU that sucks more power than the MBP power adapter can provide. It would be quite useless such a Notebook.

@op Seriously use gfxCardStatus. The problem with Apple's idiotic autoswitching is not that the AMD GPU gets used but rather that it gets used for all kinds of stuff that it isn't necessary and just kills battery life. Run Skype in the Background and it seems to think the AMD GPU is necessary.
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