Let me be the first to say...
At this point, I really think that it's a gamble when buying any MBP. I own a week 20, 15.4 inch 2.0ghz MacBookPro with 1gig of ram, the 128 ati x1600 and the stock 80 gig 5400 rpm. I run the laptop with parallels running FreeBSD and Windows XP and I have yet to experience any heat issues. I have been using the laptop almost non stop since I got it last Friday. It's only been a few days, but this laptop has seen alot of use. Now that I am done with finals I am playing with my baby as much as I can before I go into surgery for my back.
Anyways, I have no CPU whine, no screen whine, and my idle temps are between 25 and 28 celcius. With 100 percent cpu usage (I run some bash scripts to really work the CPU and have them cycle on bolth cores), I only have been able to get it up to 62 degrees celcius.
However, my friend has a 2.16ghz 15.4 inch with 2 gigs of ram and the 100 gig 7200 rpm. His is a week 11. His idle temperatures are around 56 and when working the laptop he gets readings anywhere from 74-89 degrees celcius. So like I said, it's a gamble. However, at this point I really think apple has worked out the little problems.
And, for thoes who can hear the CPU change when "using the iSight camera". It has to do with the frequencys in which the processor and fan are operating depending on the use of the cpu. My friends you can hear it somewhat, and when I turn on the camera it goes away, and ALSO when I run CPU intensive programs or scripts, it also goes away. MANY laptops do that. In fact, most do. Listen to a Dell laptop one day. When I got this laptop, I thought it was the most quiet laptop I have ever owned. I owned a Dell Insprion 8000 before this, which was loud as hell. I also have farious dell workstations and custom-built systems that run pretty loud.
The Screen noise, however, was not right. I have seen a video of that, and it's pretty nasty. but if people are complaining about hearing a CPU, get over it. Nothing is perfect.
I love my macbook pro!!!