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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 3, 2011
Perrysburg, OH
I am getting the base 17 inch MBP. MacMall (w/ AppleInsider discount) is at $2289.19. Is there any point to wait until Black Friday if I am not buying directly from Apple? Any chance it might be cheaper than that (other than eBay, which is not right now)?
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macrumors 68000
Dec 23, 2010
London, UK
I would say if you are in no rush to to buy the MBP then you should wait another 11 days. However, I've never experienced Black Fridays here in the UK so I can't comment on the the likely discounts on that day.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 3, 2011
Perrysburg, OH
I'm in a Semi-Rush, since I am returning my 13" to Amazon tomorrow and I'd rather not be without a computer for 2 weeks, rather 2-3 days. If it's more than a $50 discount than MacMall, I'd wait, but if it's hardly anything less, it's not worth it.

EDIT: It just got reduced $10.72 in about an hour on MacMall. Weird.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 3, 2011
Perrysburg, OH
Student discount is $2299 + Tax (key thing, tax), which would be over $2400, not worth it. Technically I am not eligible for student discount anyway and even if I was, because of Ohio or Michigan tax, I wouldn't do it. No tax, I would.


macrumors 68020
Oct 31, 2010
it's a pretty good deal:0

i did search around and i found the Early 2011 17" for a few tens bucks cheap [with free shipping and all]

but i dont think any of them are "authorized" apple resellers, so macmall is something you should stick with.

one thing i noticed on the macmall site is the pre-black friday sale ends on the 14th [today] at midnight. so im not sure if the discount you got was on top of the current sale going on. so certainly check that out.

also, i wanted to bring to your attention

and you can get Parallels 6 for free with a Mail In Rebate [and then you get a free upgrade to Parallels 7]

BUT definitely call them for your ten bucks off :)


macrumors 65816
Jan 1, 2011
Student discount is $2299 + Tax (key thing, tax), which would be over $2400, not worth it. Technically I am not eligible for student discount anyway and even if I was, because of Ohio or Michigan tax, I wouldn't do it. No tax, I would.

black frida wont be any better


macrumors 65816
Oct 2, 2011
Student discount is $2299 + Tax (key thing, tax), which would be over $2400, not worth it. Technically I am not eligible for student discount anyway and even if I was, because of Ohio or Michigan tax, I wouldn't do it. No tax, I would.

If you're not eligible, then you shouldn't be utilizing the student discount period, tax or no tax.


macrumors 68030
Oct 19, 2011
You can get an early 17'' refurbished from apple for 1949. Performance is almost identical. That's the cheapest option to get a (almost) new 17''. Again, watch your tax situation, since apple will collect VAT.

Why not give MacMall a call and negotiate a bit? Maybe you can get some free warranty on top if you buy now? I can't imagine they can go down much lower on the price even for black friday. I don't think apple gives them much room to lower the prices.
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