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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2022
Does anyone have issues with their MBP 2011 13" 8,1 startup keys (cmd+R, option, etc)?

I found this issue years back when I tried installing Bootcamp, but the system wouldn't recognize the installer USB so I needed to get back to my macOS. I tried the option(alt) key for boot loader, but it did not work. So i tried all the other startup key combos but only shift (safe mode) and cmd+option+power (SMC reset) worked and nothing else.

I somehow was able to get back on my macOS by using an external keyboard as the startup keys worked on external keyboard. After that I tried NVRAM reset through terminal, SMC reset, wipe and clean install macOS, and replace to SSD then another clean install macOS.

But still, the startup keys wont work on internal keyboard.
I don't think it's a keyboard issue since all keys work perfectly fine on macOS.
I've inquired on ifixit and someone mentioned boot sector infection malware, so I tried antivirus and reset but still the same.
I've asked apple support and they're saying that I'll need to visit their service center and will get charged for a physical examine.

Could you guys suggest me anything else to try out or any other guess?
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