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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 19, 2022
Installed some software and some updates then no OS now loads.
The machine unknown to me has a bios password, so i cannot boot in to the fresh Catalina that was on the ssd.

I have tried all i know to boot or trick the 2012 i5 macbook pro but the padlock icon comes on. NVRAM reset, recovery console...nothing works.

Don't really want to be soldering a bios chip if i am honest but this will be an xmas present for someone.
Is there a way i can just slave the main SSD and edit a config file to boot up?

Thanks in advance.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
"Don't really want to be soldering a bios chip if i am honest but this will be an xmas present for someone.
Is there a way i can just slave the main SSD and edit a config file to boot up?"

Where did you get this?

If it has a firmware password or is tied to a corporate account using MDM, you're not going to "clear it" -- at least not easily.

You don't want to "gift" this to anyone, as it's all-but unusable to someone new to Macs.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 19, 2022
not worth the trouble, get rid of it ASAP.
There is no trouble risk. Laptop is legit. Came from a music company.Sold off cheap as 2012 models. We've gone back to them to see if their IT-dept can cross reference it for the bios password.

I mention bios chip removal as it is pretty easy for such an older machine. If only apple would still support these old machines I could go to them with proof of ownership.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 19, 2022
If that is a mid-2012 13-inch, that was sold as new until late 2016, and is still supported for service by Apple.
I will contact them . Machine is back with original company that owned it but nobody was even aware bios password was set. They have proof of ownership as they bought these in bulk.

Thanks to all for your input.
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