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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 17, 2019
Hello this is a question that I am looking for opinions on. I am currently saving up for a MacBook Pro, but I am struggling to decide on whether to buy the 13” 2017 model or the 13” 2015 model. The offers I’m looking at currently are the same price with the same specs. I have heard that the 2015 model has better hardware (the keyboard, ports) but the 2017 is more powerful and furture proof. Please help me decide on what model to get.


macrumors 65832
May 27, 2006
There are a ton of threads on this that I would suggest perusing.

What you will see is several users who believe the 2015 to be the last great MacBook Pro and then several who say the issues with the new ones are overblown.

I assume you are looking at a 2017 because you are looking at the non-Touchbar version? Specifically what spec models are you comparing. That would help.


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2016
Assuming the nTB, the ‘17 has slower wifi and a dodgy keyboard (but a four year replacement program, though if you’re buying used you might be one or two years into that program). The ‘17 also has a slightly faster CPU, faster SSD, faster RAM.

All things being equal, the keyboard is an issue for me, as is the wifi. For those reasons I’d take the ‘15.


macrumors regular
May 10, 2016
There are a ton of threads on this that I would suggest perusing.

What you will see is several users who believe the 2015 to be the last great MacBook Pro and then several who say the issues with the new ones are overblown.

I assume you are looking at a 2017 because you are looking at the non-Touchbar version? Specifically what spec models are you comparing. That would help.

I have a 2015 and love it! I will see what the 2019 models look like, but I'm thinking I'll hold onto the 2015 for at least a few more years.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2017
I had a similar decision to make, but between the 2015 and 2016 during the time when they both could be purchased new.

I went with the 2015 after a bit of research and I'm still happy I made that choice. To me the 2015 is a better machine. I prefer the keyboard, and its more reliable which is important as I plan to have this laptop probably at least another 3 or 4 years. I like having port choices and the magsafe charging port. The auto start when touching a key on the 2016 and above would drive me nuts. To me, the 2015 is just a better design.

Also, keep in mind that, although the 2017 should remain in OS support longer, that is really useless if your machine requires a keyboard replacement that will cost more than the machine is worth.


macrumors regular
May 10, 2016
I never knew that about the "any" key auto start. What a pain in the butt! I am happy with my 2015, but I am curious to see what 2019 holds.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 17, 2019
There are a ton of threads on this that I would suggest perusing.

What you will see is several users who believe the 2015 to be the last great MacBook Pro and then several who say the issues with the new ones are overblown.

I assume you are looking at a 2017 because you are looking at the non-Touchbar version? Specifically what spec models are you comparing. That would help.
They are both baseline models and yes the 2017 does not have a touchbar


macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
If you are looking at the 2017 MBP, I would suggest looking at the Touch Bar version... and before everyone screams at me, let me explain... for a little bit more you are going to get a faster processor, two fans for cooling (the non-touchbar versions of the 2016/17 MBP had some issues with running hotter due to it only having one fan), you get four instead of only two USB-C/Thunderbolt ports, and if you need function keys you can still default the Touch Bar to function keys. You also automatically get 256GB of storage over the 128GB on the non-touchbar (2017 model year).

If you are not able to afford or really don't want the Touch Bar version of the 2017 MBP, I'd say go with the 2015 MBP. The benefits of the 2017 non-TB MBP just aren't enough to justify getting it over the 2015 MBP. If you can get a 2017 MBP with Touch Bar, I'd do that.
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