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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 1, 2020
After a clean install of macOS 10.15.6, The Mac continuously (in random moments) restart by Kernel Panic. When checking the logs, I can tell that the problem is caused by an "undefined kernel instruction" in the WatchOS 3.0 (14Y908).

"os_version":"Watch OS 3.0 (14Y908)"


"product" : "iBridge1,1",

"incident" : "306A54CF-DC97-4878-BFC4-D90A2059BCAA",

"build" : "Watch OS 3.0 (14Y908)",

"date" : "2020-09-01 16:00:37.44 +0000",

"crashReporterKey" : "c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001",

"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 16.1.0: Thu Mar 21 19:45:37 PDT 2019; root:xnu-3789.85.1~2\/RELEASE_ARM_T8002",

Things I have tried:

  1. Clean NVRAM
  2. Repair the Disk
  3. Update to High Sierra
  4. Test system in safe mode
Full Log

Please Help!!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2011
The watchOS is the T2 chip which is reporting, as the log says the exception really occurs in CPU1 when trying to execute invalid code.

The log show a very large number of processes related to sceduling and waiting. I would try to run without any external equipment connected to see if that makes a difference. Are the panics related to the use of any special software? It is always good practice to revert back to a basic system to see if the problem goes away and then bring back things one at a time.

Otherwise report the problem to Apple.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 1, 2020
The watchOS is the T2 chip which is reporting, as the log says the exception really occurs in CPU1 when trying to execute invalid code.

The log show a very large number of processes related to sceduling and waiting. I would try to run without any external equipment connected to see if that makes a difference. Are the panics related to the use of any special software? It is always good practice to revert back to a basic system to see if the problem goes away and then bring back things one at a time.

Otherwise report the problem to Apple.

The first time I experiment the Kernel Panic, was when I connect an HDMI TV to my external HUB. But since that day, the system keep failing even without the hub.

I formatted the disk and reinstalled the latest macOS that was installed on my Mac. Maybe I should try the macOS that came with my mac by default.

I don't think is related to any specific software, because with a recently installed MacOS Big Sur without any special software, it keeps failing.

Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 1, 2020
The watchOS is the T2 chip which is reporting, as the log says the exception really occurs in CPU1 when trying to execute invalid code.

The log show a very large number of processes related to sceduling and waiting. I would try to run without any external equipment connected to see if that makes a difference. Are the panics related to the use of any special software? It is always good practice to revert back to a basic system to see if the problem goes away and then bring back things one at a time.

Otherwise report the problem to Apple.
I downgraded to the default MacOS Sierra, but system keep failing. With the exact same issue.
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