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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 16, 2019
Please help!

I’m no techie, but have tried as many possible fixes as I could find in forums to try and resolve this issue.

My 2017 MBP (running Mojave 10.14.3) randomly began restarting every time it was in sleep mode — whether I closed the lid or left it open. I’ve since unchecked the box which allows it to put hard disks to sleep and now if I leave the lid open, it seems to not restart, but still does if I close the lid.
(I’m also concerned that leaving the lid open with the computer not going into sleep mode will shorten the lifespan of the machine, so would prefer to find a fix than just continue doing this.)

Below are all the things I have tried, in order:
- reinstall Mac OS
- PRAM reset
- SMC reset
- deleted sleepimage file (I think, I’ve never used Terminal before but put the code in and hit enter, then entered password.. does that do it?)
- tried to look at the crash logs in Console but don’t really know what I’m looking at!

I think I’m getting what people call a Kernel Panic (?) — whenever I open the lid, there is a message on a black screen that says something along the lines of “your computer had to restart due to a problem. Press any key to start up.” (Paraphrased)

Is anyone able to help or suggest what to do next?
Is my lappy doomed?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2016
My 2017 MBP (running Mojave 10.14.3) randomly began restarting every time it was in sleep mode
Do you mean restart or wakeup?
(I think, I’ve never used Terminal before but put the code in and hit enter, then entered password.. does that do it?
What code?

For the wakeup reason, you could check your power management log. Type into Terminal and press enter:
pmset -g log >> ~/Desktop/pmlog.txt
Now take a look at the file pmlog.txt on your Desktop. You could post excerpts, including the summary at the end.

A kernel panic is different from a wake event. Did you walk through Apple's kernel panic guide?
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