That is interesting, thanks.
It would be useful if there was a mac app to control battery charging more, to take over from the SMC.. I found fruit juice, but the cost itsn't justified when, like you say, it's cheap to replace the battery (and easy). I guess if you're paying for a technician to do it, then the cost of an app like fruit juice may be worth while.
I've read the full charge state / longevity issue in not to do with the fundamental chemistry, but the dialetric choice, and the way it can potentially breakdown from consistently full charge and begin leaking charge more rapidly. There are dialectris which do not suffer this problem, perhaps we'll see them in the market some day.
If you read this article, you will see that the main factor is not the 'peak charge voltage' but instead, the number of cycles.
Importantly though, the 'peak charge voltage' does play an important role like you say.
Instead of 4.2V/cell the optimum is stated as 3.92V/cell, 'Battery experts believe that this threshold eliminates all voltage-related stresses'. How does this translate to percentage? On my mbp, late 2011 with 10.95V pack, I estimate it's about 75-80%, based on looking at my system information now.. I'll check this again out of interest.
Further down in the same article, What can the user do?
"A laptop battery could be prolonged by lowering the charge voltage when connected to the AC grid. To make this feature user-friendly, a device should feature a “Long Life” mode that keeps the battery at 4.05V/cell and offers a SoC of about 80 percent. One hour before traveling, the user requests the “Full Capacity” mode to bring the charge to 4.20V/cell."