i Had a incident with my MBP yesterday when i tried to pick it up off the iCurve only sitting on there for about an hour watching a movie. It litteraly burned me had a tingeling sinsation. I've had burns before with cooking and playing with fireworks. I called apple about this issue and the service rep said" this is a common occurance and is in fact normal the MBP can burn you". Then he quoted it is stated in the manual.. WTF who buys a 2500 machine that will burn you. I know they do get hot and i have dealt with it. But this isnt a normal occurance it was infact on a iCurve for an hour playing a dvd thats it. So when i touch it burns. So next time im doing a little word work im going to get burned too? The service rep acted like it was ok and that he was wanting to pass this issue off and let me just go see a specialist. Thats unaceptable in my books so i said no i want you to take it in for repair this is unacceptable if your willing to let me go with a burn your crazy. I know im on a Rant here but i'd really like to talk to a higher official anyone have any contact numbers?