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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 11, 2007
When I hook my MBP up to my 58" Panasonic Plasma TV and run it at 1080, the top and bottom are cut off. I can't see the top menu bar or most of the dock. Any ideas?
Also make sure your TV is set to scan a full frame. TVS default 16:9 setting will crop a bit because some analog shows and whatnot have junk picture around the borders which was common back in the day of analog television. Even some dvds have junk in the outer edges. Just see if you can find an option to change picture size. I know on my samsung, I have to set the tv to "just scan" instead of the 16x9 option otherwise my dock and menu bar disappears.
in System Prefs->Displays-> then in a tab (forget the tab sorry) make sure that the "Overscan" setting is unticked.

I did this, but then I got a one inch black border all the way around. I can the whole desktop now, but it is smaller than the TV screen. Resolution is 1920x1080.
I did this, but then I got a one inch black border all the way around. I can the whole desktop now, but it is smaller than the TV screen. Resolution is 1920x1080.

Sadly, those are your two choices.

Either black bars around it; or cut off the edges.

Plasma TVs aren't like LCDs where they have fixed pixels; they are more like CRTs with pixels that can shift; so it's not easy to get true 1:1 pixel out of one. (Caveat: My knowledge on Plasma TVs is a decade old; now that I have written that, I suppose it's possible that modern plasmas have fixed it; but based on your experience, I'm guessing not.)
I did this, but then I got a one inch black border all the way around. I can the whole desktop now, but it is smaller than the TV screen. Resolution is 1920x1080.

As ehurtley said it probably cant be fixed.. But what you should try is changing the aspect ratio on ur tv and see if you can improve that at all.. Worth a try.
When I hook my MBP up to my 58" Panasonic Plasma TV and run it at 1080, the top and bottom are cut off. I can't see the top menu bar or most of the dock. Any ideas?

I have a Panasonic Viera 50 inch "G15" series plasma HDTV. I went into the picture settings for the HDMI port i had the MBP hooked up through and set the picture size to "FULL", and it will display pixels at a 1:1 ration for the 1920x1080.

The standard mode will "Zoom" into the picture a little to crop out a certain percentage of the border all the way around to get rid of the "funny colored static" that you will see to the top or sides of the pictures sometime, i that it is station data, or maybe closed caption data.

My old philips 720p 42" lcd hdtv did not have the option for 1:1 pixel mapping. (the main reason i upgraded)

Most recent Samsung, and LG lcd's and plasma also have a 1:1 mode, but it may go by another name other than "Full" mode.

If your not sure on the mode setting for your TV, let us know the model number and i'll dig around to what settings you need, or if its even possible with your model. i know all the panasonics within the past 3-4 years could do it.
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