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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 20, 2018
Hello everyone,

I've looked around quite a bit and can't quite find the answer that I am looking for so I thought I'd post here.
At work I'm currently running an early MBP 2015 which is attached to an LG Ultra HD Display (4k monitor). My problem is really minor, the screen looks beautiful and I definitely don't experience lag per say, for example as I am typing now, however the big issue is that the mouse isn't smooth when moving and you can really notice it when you minimize and maximize screens where it is all jittery.

Any ideas?



Trey M

macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2011
I’m assuming you have the display connected via HDMI. You need to get an adapter cable from MiniDisplayPort > DisplayPort for 2015 MBP’s. Make sure you get a cable that supports 4K @ 60 Hz. Right now the issue you’re seeing is your display only running at 30Hz, which I believe is the HDMI compatibility limit on the 2015 machines.

You also need to make sure you have a setting on your display configured to enable 60Hz. I think it’s typically called “Ultra HD color” or something along those lines. On newer models it’s enabled by default.
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