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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 26, 2005
Well Im finally making the dive into the Mac world, :) , and I'll be buying a new MacBook Pro for college. I'll probably get the 15.4 with 2.16gHz.

Im not leaving till August, so should I wait for the next gen of macbook pros before buying?

Ive been waiting forever, and im so anxious to get my hands on one.

Also, should I buy Online or In-Store?

P.S. Best place to buy ram?

I've been trying to decide between getting a Macbook now and a MBP later on in the year, or saving my cash for a MBP when the new processors hit the shelves, hopefully in August. I've decided to wait for August, as there are so many little details that seem to impact performance that I can't justify spending that kind of money on one of the current models (which is too bad, because I generally associate Apple products with high-quality and stress-free).
Buying location could go either way..I believe yo ugenerally have more of a selection as to how it's set up online, though, so if you can, check out the setup you want to buy in store and then buy it online.
As for RAM...I don't know about MBP RAM specifically, but I've always had good experiences with Data Memory Systems (

If you're not leaving till August I would advise you hold off... Theyre only bound to get better the long you wait (even though it's tough, I know :)).

As far as RAM goes, I bought my G.Skill from Newegg at $81.99 / 1gb stick. The reviews for it say that it works flawlessly in the MBP and I definately trust my memory needs to G.Skill commonly in the PC world.
popz41 said:
thanks, one more thing:

glossy or matte screen?
Personal preference. I think the glossy screen can actually better please a larger general audience than the matte screen but that's just what I've gathered on my own reading opinions online. The biggest benefit to a matte screen is that you'll eliminate glare from direct light sources that may be behind you.

What are you going to use the MBP for?
for the screen question, If you can avoid pointing having the screen face the sun, or a bright light compared tp the rest of the room you should be fine and will apreciate the better looking screen.
For school I got the matte....because lets say your outside or in a heavily lighted lecture hall you arnt going to be able to see the in a dark room I would go with the Glossy...but I went to the Mac store and looked at both before deciding and went with the matte....the matte is brighter then most glossy screens on other brands of computer so its really not that big of a differnce between the matte and glossy as far as color and sharpness goes...but the glare on the glossy made up my mind REAL quick! :)
FragTek said:
Personal preference. I think the glossy screen can actually better please a larger general audience than the matte screen but that's just what I've gathered on my own reading opinions online. The biggest benefit to a matte screen is that you'll eliminate glare from direct light sources that may be behind you.

What are you going to use the MBP for?

read the title LOL...:D ;)
next generation probably wont come out till after august is my hunch...

in any case, i think you should hold off none the less. wait till july because by then they will have promotions where you can get a free ipod after rebate
Also become a student developer for $99 and save and extra 2 or 3 hundred dollars on top of student discounts. You don't even have to develop anything but maybe you might want to. :cool:
I'll be studying business with a minor in information systems. (MIS)

So simple stuff, but i do some recreational photo and video editing on the side.
And of course some gaming
popz41 said:
I'll be studying business with a minor in information systems. (MIS)

So simple stuff, but i do some recreational photo and video editing on the side.
And of course some gaming
I would definately consider the glossy screen then :) Unless you do a lot of work outside... I know people that just like to work outside with a cup of coffee, it "expands their thinking ability" so they say :p

Tiz up to you mate!
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