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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 16, 2018
MBP retina, 15", late '13, High Sierra

My MBP constantly crashes within 10 minutes. First the screen goes black, then the fans start blowing and finally the MBP turns off completely. When I restart there is normally no mentioning of the crash or an option to send a crash report, only once it said it crashed and mentioned a kernel panic.

Strangely enough the MBP does NEVER crashes when I have an external display connected (4K via mini-display port or HDMI port).

This made me suspect that the internal graphics card (Intel Iris Pro) is broken, since an external 4K display would likely be using the external (or 'discrete') GPU (NVIDIA GeForce GT 750 M). I'm not even sure if the internal graphics card can be broken, but I tried to force the MBP to use the external card by turning 'Automatic graphics switching' off (preferences>energy saver>automatic graphics switcher). That doesn't fix the problem. I also tried a tool called gfxCardStatus but seems to be buggy and incompatible with MBP's > 2011.

Another weird situation is that after reinstalling High Sierra, the MBP worked OK for about half a day. After that the problems started again.

The question is how I can figure out what the real problem is, and how to solve/avoid it. Any help would be highly appreciated.


macrumors 6502
Dec 22, 2012
This isn't related to the video card because it's integrated.

It's another hardware issue, common on all the 15" late-2013 MBP. There are many threads on iFixit with many people having similar issues.

The cause could be anything from a bad temperature sensor to a power delivery component on the board. Unfortunately, the only solution is a logic board replacement.
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