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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 15, 2009
SF Bay Area
My "new" late 2106 MacBook Pro 15" with Touch Bar, on 7/3/2018 failed to wake up or power on. No prior symptoms of difficulty waking up, no prior battery issues or warnings, no water damage. Attempted SMC reset. All 4 USB 3 ports were tried to charge up and restart. Two different power bricks used to eliminate the possibility of power source failure. The battery was at approx. 120 cycles, perfectly healthy.

Apple Genius took it in for repair, but I am out of warranty. I took a chance (and lost) not buying AppleCare on this MacBook Pro. So, I will be charged $795 to fix my 20 month old late 2016 MacBook Pro.

The Apple Genius agreed with me that the problem is probably a "hardware failure on the power board, and not my fault."

I wanted to post this here in case you have the same problem. I fear this problem is going to become more common as time goes on. Am I the first to enjoy this hardware quality problem?


macrumors 65816
Jul 23, 2013
A friend of mine had this happen with his 2016 15" Touchbar MacBook Pro (bought when it first came out). It happened two or three weeks after he bought it. They swapped for a new one...

...However, I will add this: my mother's 12" MacBook suffered a similar a problem (it was a couple of year old). I set-up an appointment to bring it to the Genius Bar a few days after it started. The first night I left it unplugged. Still wouldn't power on. Second night I plugged it in. Still wouldn't power on. Third night unplugged it in again. Then that morning, tried an SMC reset for the hundredth time, and all of a sudden it powered on and booted up. Never had the problem again (about a year later). I still have no explanation for that...


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 15, 2009
SF Bay Area
Thanks for the kind comment. Yes, mine was one of the first one's delivered, too. This power-up failure is a real drag. Of course it isn't my fault or anything like that, so the fact that it is almost 20 months old is very troubling. It could happen again and I'd be out another $795!

I spent a few days trying many times to "convince it" to start-up. Nothing I could do... The fact that my iPhone would not charge up on it either convinced me that something was really wrong. The battery had a full charge when I put the MBP to sleep, so I'm fairly certain that the battery continues to have near 100% charge, and that would not "connect" to the iPhone.

My Apple-hating friends are laughing at me. Some $0.02 capacitor went bad, probably, and yet it costs $795 to repair!

It is very important, people, to purchase AppleCare for these new MacBook Pros! I couldn't afford it then, now I'm just flabbergasted and depressed.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2015
My "new" late 2106 MacBook Pro 15" with Touch Bar, on 7/3/2018 failed to wake up or power on. No prior symptoms of difficulty waking up, no prior battery issues or warnings, no water damage. Attempted SMC reset. All 4 USB 3 ports were tried to charge up and restart. Two different power bricks used to eliminate the possibility of power source failure. The battery was at approx. 120 cycles, perfectly healthy.

Apple Genius took it in for repair, but I am out of warranty. I took a chance (and lost) not buying AppleCare on this MacBook Pro. So, I will be charged $795 to fix my 20 month old late 2016 MacBook Pro.

The Apple Genius agreed with me that the problem is probably a "hardware failure on the power board, and not my fault."

I wanted to post this here in case you have the same problem. I fear this problem is going to become more common as time goes on. Am I the first to enjoy this hardware quality problem?

This just happened to me last week. I had apple care so my repair was free.
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