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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 29, 2008
the parched earth of North Texas
Hey all,

So I have a new 13inch MBP to go along with an older 27inch iMac.

One of the first things I did was get a lighting cable in order to have a dual screen setup (MBP -> iMac). But my question is, is there a setting/app/hack/etc to allow the iMac to just act as the desktop for the MBP? In other words not two displays but just the iMac?

Does that make sense?

I'm really not sure what you mean. But maybe you mean that the "main" screen being the iMac (with the Dock and the menu bar). For that, in display setting, where you select the layout of your dual screen setup, you have a white bar on top of the screen that you can drag on the screen you want to use as the main display.
I'm really not sure what you mean. But maybe you mean that the "main" screen being the iMac (with the Dock and the menu bar). For that, in display setting, where you select the layout of your dual screen setup, you have a white bar on top of the screen that you can drag on the screen you want to use as the main display.

Thanks. That kinda did what I am wanting to do. Basically just looking to use the iMac's display as the sole display for the MBP. But the more I think about it, maybe a two display setup isn't so bad.

The iMac is older and with a HD instead of a SSD so using it is like watching paint dry.
@FortWorthMac , have you tried simply closing the screen of the MBP and running in clamshell mode?

Basically this. I gave my dad a retina MacBook Pro a while ago which he primarily uses as a desktop in this way.

Just keep in mind it must be connected to the charger for this to work.
I'm copying this from a new message I created tonight to this older thread I started a couple of months

"Hey all,

I have a new MBP and an older 27inch iMac.

For about the past month I've been using my iMac as the display for the MBP and then "screen sharing" my iMac onto my MBP as a Full Screen Window. This has been working flawlessly up until today.

Before today, unless I rebooted, the MBP stayed linked to the iMac. Whenever I woke up my MBP both screens would wake up and the iMac's display was still paired to the MBP and the iMac was still a "shared screen".

Well starting today, when the screens turn off after "x" minutes and I come back in to my office and wake them up, the iMac's display is no longer paired to the MBP.

AFAIK nothing has changed, with the possible exception of my installing the latest OSX patch Apple pushed out last week.

Any ideas what may have changed or what I can do to get it back working as described above?

Also, if there is a better way of doing this I'm certainly open to suggestions."
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