My MBP 10.1 15" i7 mid 2012 , run really slow, It is unusable, and funs are Always at Highest Speed. Reset pram and Smc, tray new battery, disconnected storage and wifi but nothing one experienced this issue?
What version of macOS installed?My MBP 10.1 15" i7 mid 2012 , run really slow, It is unusable
It runs about 2 days With Sonoma patched With opencore Legacy, now It Is impossible to install Catalina too. Really slow and keyboard and touchpad not recognizedWhat version of macOS installed?
Reinstall the patches. Post in this threadReally slow and keyboard and touchpad not recognized
Reinstall the patches. Post in this thread
macOS 14 Sonoma on Unsupported Macs Thread
This thread will be dedicated to the discussion of running macOS 14.0 on unsupported Macs. At the time of writing, we are waiting for Apple to send out macOS 14 Developer Beta 1. It is currently unknown whether or not Apple will release a publicly-downloadable InstallAssistant. We will
It has a m.2 512 GB and i try to run os installation without It and nothing changesIs the MacBook using a SSD as the boot drive?
Possible bad SATA cable?
Maybe install Catalina just as a baseline to see if Sonoma is causing the issue o r if the computer is causing it?It has a m.2 512 GB and i try to run os installation without It and nothing changes
I have a mid-2012 15" sitting here unused and it uses a SATA drive. Didn't know the mid-2012 came with an m.2.It has a m.2 512 GB and i try to run os installation without It and nothing changes
It's 12 years old. The fact that it turns on at all is a miracle. These posts from people with ancient hardware amaze me.I’m sorry for asking this but isn’t your MacBook Pro kinda old at this point?
(Recheck your MacTracker app, to compare a MacBookPro9,1 with a MacBookPro10,1--both of which are called 15-inch, Mid 2012)A 2012 apple laptop does not have a M.2 slot on it they are all sata based. MacTracker is a amazing app with all the specs of every apple product ever made. I use it daily at work.
My MBP 10.1 15" i7 mid 2012 , run really slow, It is unusable, and funs are Always at Highest Speed. Reset pram and Smc, tray new battery, disconnected storage and wifi but nothing one experienced this issue?
That's how apple makes money, locking you into upgrade cycles by not supporting hardware you bought and forcing you to use unofficial patches.It runs about 2 days With Sonoma patched With opencore Legacy, now It Is impossible to install Catalina too. Really slow and keyboard and touchpad not recognized
Try to install Catalina that support this mac but same issue no way reinstall because too slowMaybe install Catalina just as a baseline to see if Sonoma is causing the issue o r if the computer is causing it?
Mine has proprietary m.2 or similari slot, It Is likes 2013 2015 retina 15" modelA 2012 apple laptop does not have a M.2 slot on it they are all sata based. MacTracker is a amazing app with all the specs of every apple product ever made. I use it daily at work.
How can I run system diagnostica With no os running?Here's my opinion: You have to figure out if this is related to the hardware failing, or to a failed patch.
1. Open up your computer physically and remove any dust that you might have. Use a can of compress air and remove the dust.
2. reinstall the OS to the last supported version. If the problem does not go away, then run a system diagnostic on it. If the problem goes away, then reinstall the patches.
It didn’t.I have a mid-2012 15" sitting here unused and it uses a SATA drive. Didn't know the mid-2012 came with an m.2.