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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 7, 2005
I'm about to purchase a 17" MBP, and I was just wondering if for 20 GB if the faster HDD really brings in that much better performance? I dont really know much about HDD speeds. I'd like to have the extra 20 Gigs, but I dont know if it will terribly hamper performance (and the Apple store near my house doesn't sell the 100 variety).

Personally I'd go for the 100GB 7200RPM drive. It certainly is noticeably faster. If you need more space you can always get an external drive at some later point.
I've had both, and from day-to-day tasks, you don't notice a difference. Even editing video off of it, I don't notice a difference. Go with the 120GB drive...
I have the 100GB 7200 in my MBP 15" and it does effect performance slightly. The only reason I would want the 120GB is that the extra 20GB would really have been nice for a bigger Windows partition. Otherwise 100GB is plenty of room and the faster hard drive will effect performance somewhat, and definitely will speed up file transfers.

So if you're going to be using Windows (especially for games), I'd recommend the 120GB. If not, you can do without those 20GB for now until the cost and physical size of flash memory goes down enough for you to get it on a USB flash drive (in the not-too-distant future).
Even though I notice a difference for things that I do, I'm going to go with the 120GB when I get my MBP mainly because of Windows and I would like to have a couple games on it. If I wasn't going to have Windows installed, I would definitely go with the 7200RPM 100GB HD.
That's right. I completely forgot about Windows partition. So the slower HDD won't slow the games considerably?
I too would do the 7200RPM HD. If I had the money I would get a decked out 17" MBP: The Ultimate Compter.
Ok, now heres the better question:

The 17" MBP w/ a Matte Screen and 120 GB HDD now?

Or 17" MBP w/ a Glossy Screen and 100 GB HDD June 6?

I'm kind of torn between these two, b/c I really want to get it now, and two weeks is a while to wait (ordered on May 20, Ships June 1? WTF?) Anyways, tough tough decision. (for me at least)
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