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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 26, 2011
I purchased Mac DVD Ripper Pro due to its ability to rip only the main movie vs. RipIt ripping the entire disk. However, MDRP is botching up the chapter count in nearly all cases making me unable to add chapter metadata from tagchimp etc. I ripped my copy of the big Lebowski which has 22 chapters. MDRP gave it 55 or something. I ripped 10 movies yesterday and 70% of them have the wrong chapter count. I can pop the disk in and pull up handbrake and it will show the right chapter count there but all the MDRP rips are wrong.
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I use MDRP, and haven't noticed any problems, but than I rip the whole disk.
I actually have the Big L .iso sitting on my drive waiting for encode.

Give me a day or so and I will let you know.
I use MDRP, and haven't noticed any problems, but than I rip the whole disk.
I actually have the Big L .iso sitting on my drive waiting for encode.

Give me a day or so and I will let you know.
If you're willing to put in the 20 mins, try ripping Lebowski both ways and see if full disk gives you the right chapter count. I already just did a direct reencode with Handbrake/VLC at this point.

If that were the case, that would still be a bummer since once of the reasons I bought MDRP was the ability to rip the feature only and save time.
I emailed the developer too and gave very specific details... I did another test with a Fight Club DVD. Handbrake shows 1-37 chapters for the main feature. Ripping just the main feature with MDRP though gives 1-58 chapters. If I rip the entire disk with MDRP it gives 1-37 so its only ripping the feature only that's botching the title count. Unfortunately I purchased it for that feature since I already have RipIt for ripping whole DVDs.
I did The Big L with MDRP, both an .iso rip, and main movie only.
Handbrake reported chapter 1-23 before encode in both cases, even though the actual encode came out with 22 chapters.
Used iDentify for metadata, movie seems fine.

I don't know whats going on there for you. But I am going to watch my rips more closely, since you've been having problems.

I've got Fight Club on DVD, but haven't ripped it. Now I'm curious. Give me a few more days, see what I get on that one.

I got MDRP in bundle purchase along with DVDremaster pro made by the same developer. I stopped using it though because itunes wouldn't accept changes to cover art on the encodes. Handbrake gives more control anyway.
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1-23 vs. 22 is normal. That's chapter markers vs. number of chapters*. The developer emailed back and is looking into it.

* The chapter markers are start and finish so if you wrote out 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5, etc. and counted them up it would be 22 chapters.
Yeah, after further review, doing main movie rips instead of a full .iso rip results in about an 80% failure rate on correct chapter count.

It would be nice if that feature worked, since it cuts rip time down by about half.
The developer said he is working on it. I'll post an update in this thread.
Yep, forgot to post an update. The developer even went out and rented a couple disks I was reporting problems on to duplicate the issue. Very good guy!!!!
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