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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 2, 2007
SF Bay Area
This was actually an interesting exercise..


I ran some resolution tests on my 80-200 earlier this week, and the results were disappointing enough that I sent the lens off to the Nikon repair facility to have them check it out. Significant chromatic aberration effects were clearly visible, and this is after the D700 is supposed to be correcting for lateral CA. The corners were very soft too. It was bad. The center of each image was ok, probably why I've been happy with the lens on my D100 and D2X all these years.

I figured I should test the remainder of my lenses, just to see if there were any surprises there. Thankfully, there were not.

Surprisingly, the one lens that was as sharp wide open as it was stopped down some was the 14-24. That thing is some kind of crazy sharp lens. My ancient 50 f1.8 AI wasn't bad either from about f2.8 on.

I bought the 80-200 used and I've had it a while, so it wasn't entirely surprising to find problems there. I bought a 300 f4 AF-S and a TC14E used as well, but those both seem to be fine.

My homemade resolution target won't be running rigorous lens benchmarks anytime soon, but it's good enough for a rough equipment check. FWIW, you can get the ISO charts here.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I've read that the 14-24 Nikkor almost matches Canon L primes on both ends wide-open... amazing! I really want that lens, even on a DX format which works out to 21-36 equivalent.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 2, 2007
SF Bay Area
I've read that the 14-24 Nikkor almost matches Canon L primes on both ends wide-open... amazing! I really want that lens, even on a DX format which works out to 21-36 equivalent.

I bought it last spring when I still had the D2X, and I must say the lens really comes into its own on an FX sensor camera. There is substantial distortion at 14mm (edit: keystoning, basically), but the lens seems perfect enough for architecture at 24. On a DX camera, you're buying it for the 14. On an FX camera, the whole range is wide :)

Well I did not expect this sort of thread judging by the title.

Well, I felt a little guilty shooting test targets and doing all that pixel peeping today..
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