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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
Is there some way to measure the speed that specific applications are running in OSX? I have a feeling that in Yosemite, Indesign CS6 isnt running as it used to and im not certain if its a OS upgrade from SnowLeopard to Yosemite or something else. It be cool if there was a way to measure its speed and compare it with someone else's iMac that would run the same application.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2015
Key West FL
It wouldn't be Id itself that has changed performance, but would instead the be underlying OS that has changed. Those OS changes can be visible in Id as it has to use OS services for many of its functions.

Testing a complex app like Id would be a MASSIVE ordeal as you would need to test each an every application function one each OS variant under consideration. You would then need to do a very careful study of how you use Id in order to properly weigh the numeric results to determine the overall impact for your particular usage.

The bottom line is that you would waste vastly more time testing than you could possibly gain by using the results of the test to change your work environment. Forget the possible speed issue and get back to work.
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