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macrumors member
Original poster
May 4, 2013
Yep, Media Player has been brought up here but something else I would like to find in a Media Player. I am new to Apple products and have an iPhone 6. I have tried many media players and the closest I found I like is the Oplayer from the AppSore. I have also tried VLC Player. All these palyers are free and I am willing to pay for the app to get what I am looking for.

With Oplayer, when I transfer the audio files to the iPhone, all the files are put in one central locaiton. I have some fifty-three music file already in the phone, then after adding six new files, I would have to scroll through all the fifty-nine songs to find and select the newly inported files. I cannot sort by date or letter. Really very frustrating to add new files to a newly created folder.

In iTunes, I can only import files to the iPhone (in a central location and not to a created playlist folder).

Please what are other alternatives I can use?

Thanks in advance.
I use iTunes and the way it stores the media doesn't matter to me. I assign songs to playlists and sync and play songs using the playlists. Having the songs stored in folders seems like additional work to me. Maybe I don't understand what you're trying to do though. ????
I think I explained my issue in my second paragraph.

What you say iTunes does is what I need, but, maybe I would need an alternative to iTunes for managing my files and just use it when backing up and purchasing apps from the AppStore.

My issue with iTunes is that it accesses all my media. I would like to avoid that. Before MP3, I had LPs I have converted to digital and all my CDs have also been converted to digital, then when I go to my library in my hardrive to select some tracke, iTunes takes in into it's system. I have searched and it seem there is not practical (just in theory) on how to stop iTunes from 'marking' all my files and searching for file information on-line. Would like to leave my pre-itunes files alone. If that can happen, I would use iTunes for my file management or just look for an alternative.

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