INSERT INTO schools (name, location, description, gcse, ukcat, otherq, course, ratio) VALUES ('Aberdeen Medical School', 'Location: Aberdeen, Scotland', 'Aberdeen University Medical School is a school of the College of Life Sciences and Medicine at the University of Aberdeen. There has been a medical school at the university since the founding of King's College in 1495. Indeed, the university was the seat of the first medical school in the English speaking world', 'A Levels: AAB', 'GCSEs: Grade C passes in English and Math required, Biology and Physics recommended. Generally a combination of A and B grades expected, especially in science subjects', 'UKCAT: Required', 'Other Qualifications: Five Highers (or their equivalent) are the normal SQA entry requirements for Scottish applicants. For the IB, to be considered, 3 subjects at Higher Level at Grade 6 or better are required, including Chemistry and one of either Maths, Biology or Physics - plus 3 other subjects at an average of Grade 6, coming to at least 36 points overall. No A level resits are accepted without mitigating circumstances', 'Course: In common with other Scottish medical schools, Aberdeen offers a five-year programme, leading to the award of the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MB ChB. Most teaching is traditional and didactic and problem-based learning is used rarely, unlike in Glasgow. The course is divided into four Phases. There is also the opportunity to undertake a further year of study to gain a BSc (Hons) in Medical Science', 'Place/Applicant Ratio: 175/1389 (1:7.9));