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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 11, 2005
hi ive noticed my HD has been on a decreasing spiral all day... it had 5 gig spare yesterday, today 2gig, within 20 mins 12mb, i deleted what i could - got it back up to 2gig, an hour later its at 10 mb - I am doing nothing but looking at webpages - and i use an extrnal hd for all my documents - WTF
Sometimes I feel like my memory decreases by itself. :eek: :D :p

Really though; I have no idea. Have you tried restarting?

And since you mentioned webpages, have you reset Safari (which I doubt will help, but it's easy enough to do).
When was the last time you did the periodic maintenances? If you don't know how, type this in the terminal (it'll ask your admin password):

sudo periodic daily weekly monthly
tanks..illl try that out, when i restart it goes up slightly.. but only by a couple of mb or so
my friend's iBook had the same issue for a while. i read that it had to do w/ virtual memory issues, if i remember correctly. buying additional RAM was said to correct the issue...but we decided to reinstall OSX instead (a little cheaper than buying RAM:eek:) it did fix it, but its kind of a drastic it if the low disk space warning bothers you too much:)
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