I have a Mac Pro 1,1, purchased in 2006 with 2g RAM. In 2009 I added 8g which the computer recognized. I've noticed some performance issues recently, and checked the RAM, which now only shows 2g.
I have a Mac Pro 1,1, purchased in 2006 with 2g RAM. In 2009 I added 8g which the computer recognized. I've noticed some performance issues recently, and checked the RAM, which now only shows 2g.
I opened the "box" and unseated, then reseated the DIMMS. In profile, Riser B correctly shows the original four 512mb boards. Riser A, however shows four empty slots, where it should show the two 4gb DIMMS I installed three yrs ago. I guess I need to decide if it's worth doing anything further with the problem.
I just called OWC, and the tech had me switch the 4g DIMMS to the B riser. Profile did not recognize them, so they're replacing them under the lifetime warranty.