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Samurai Shampoo

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 2, 2017
Hey, how are you guys doing?

I noticed that the memory use of my iMac is pretty high.

I have 2017 5k iMac mid tier model with 8GB of RAM and 512GB SSD.

The memory usage with only the browser open is 5,4GB. In idle its around 4,4 GB.
Im pretty sure it sued to be around 3,5 GB in idle a few weeks ago.

Didn't install anything. Only uninstalled some things.

How high is memory usage for your model in idle or when doing light tasks?

Thanks in advance.


Jun 13, 2015
There are three possible scenarios:

1. You need more memory. This is indicated when the activity monitor displays memory pressure in red or yellow.
2. Memory could be put to good use by programs that need or want more memory.
3. You have quite a surplus of memory, and the programs you have wouldn't know what to do with it.

I have 24 GB, and I'm in scenario 2. Before I installed High Sierra, I was in Scenario 3 (but that's largely because I didn't use virtual machines, or adobe products, or edit video. )

Right now, Activity monitor indicates that my machine is using 13.22 GB plus another 7.85 GB for file cache.

I suspect that in your case 8 GB is enough, but 16 GB or more could be even better.

As for high sierra using more, I would hope that Apple is using a time-space tradeoff and not just using sloppy code.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 28, 2012
The operating system will try and use as much memory as it can in order to make things faster. So, any 'spare' memory could be used for caching the file system. Thing to do is look at the apps that are consuming the most memory and see if anything looks untoward there. I know that recent versions of Libre Office would steadily consume more and more if it was left open for days.


macrumors 68020
Feb 12, 2017
Hey, how are you guys doing?

I noticed that the memory use of my iMac is pretty high.

I have 2017 5k iMac mid tier model with 8GB of RAM and 512GB SSD.

The memory usage with only the browser open is 5,4GB. In idle its around 4,4 GB.
Im pretty sure it sued to be around 3,5 GB in idle a few weeks ago.

Didn't install anything. Only uninstalled some things.

How high is memory usage for your model in idle or when doing light tasks?

Thanks in advance.
the problem was on services.. OSX don't provided the functionality to off certain services like other linux or windows.

Some software like this provided gui tool

Most suggestion here, add more ram quite wrong.. If no swap ram. No need to upgrade.. I'm using base line 8 GB 21 inchi which hardly upgrade and i'm pretty heavy user. OSX will use the swap if need more memory..

To make it simple, just add more RAM to max.. But for power user like me.. i want more control

Mikael H

macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2014
Hey, how are you guys doing?

I noticed that the memory use of my iMac is pretty high.

I have 2017 5k iMac mid tier model with 8GB of RAM and 512GB SSD.

The memory usage with only the browser open is 5,4GB. In idle its around 4,4 GB.
Im pretty sure it sued to be around 3,5 GB in idle a few weeks ago.

Didn't install anything. Only uninstalled some things.

How high is memory usage for your model in idle or when doing light tasks?

Thanks in advance.
Look at your memory pressure. If it's in the green and never or very rarely hits yellow or red, you're fine. "Green" usage just means your operating system is doing what it's supposed to and utilizing the computer's memory to its fullest.

Samurai Shampoo

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 2, 2017
Thanks for all the replies, guys!

I would like to upgrade my RAM but my iMacs fan is defects or there's sth. wrong with software.. Idk but the fan noise is crazy. I'm battling with Apple to get this resolved and do not want to upgrade before getting this issue fixed. But thanks for all the replies.
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