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Original poster
After an unfortunate brush with reinstalling os x (not once, but twice in a row), I've checked the 'preserve users' setting both times --- but now I've got this nagging problem!

I used to have around some menubar extras (namely moonmenu, weatherpop, and uptimeinmenubar) and they always used to load AFTER the default menubar set (i.e. clock, battery, airport, etc). After the reinstall, something funky is going on - the 3rd party extras load after the default set, but then the menubar refreshes and they end up to the left of the default set. This little funky behaviour is really starting to niggle me... does anyone know the reason for this? Should I try uninstalling all the 3rd party extras completely, then reinstall them or something?
Never mind, they somehow fixed themselves.

... I'll never understand computers... Such a giant pile of voodoo.

PS, the said three extras in question (uptimeinmenubar, moonmenu, and show desktop) apparently won't move via apple-drag, due to them being called by the NSStatusItem class. One wonders why that class even exists when NSMenuExtras is much better (but then again, is completely unsupported in Jaguar) :rolleyes:
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