I have my iPhone setup to forward phone calls and text messages over to my iPad Mini 4, everything works like a charm except for a few things...
1.) When messages roll over to the iPad, there is no badge icon in the upper right hand corner of the messaging app (you know the red circle with the number of unread messages like it shows on iPhone.) However I do get the notification that pops up on the screen (temporary) as well as the pull down from the top of the screen if I swipe down. Any idea? This seems to be a common problem according to a Google search.
2.) When phone calls roll over to the iPad, I get no notifications period (besides the iPad ringing of course.) If I missed a call there is no notification period, I would have to manually open up Facetime to see the missed calls. I realize there is no "phone app" on the iPad but still assumed I would at least have temporary notification on the screen or be able to swipe down from the top of the screen and see that I missed a call. Again this seems to be a common problem according to a Google search.
Any ideas? Of course Apple's typical response is to reset or restore the device, do they ever admit to having bugs? It seems like all the want to do is blame the user.
I have my iPhone setup to forward phone calls and text messages over to my iPad Mini 4, everything works like a charm except for a few things...
1.) When messages roll over to the iPad, there is no badge icon in the upper right hand corner of the messaging app (you know the red circle with the number of unread messages like it shows on iPhone.) However I do get the notification that pops up on the screen (temporary) as well as the pull down from the top of the screen if I swipe down. Any idea? This seems to be a common problem according to a Google search.
2.) When phone calls roll over to the iPad, I get no notifications period (besides the iPad ringing of course.) If I missed a call there is no notification period, I would have to manually open up Facetime to see the missed calls. I realize there is no "phone app" on the iPad but still assumed I would at least have temporary notification on the screen or be able to swipe down from the top of the screen and see that I missed a call. Again this seems to be a common problem according to a Google search.
Any ideas? Of course Apple's typical response is to reset or restore the device, do they ever admit to having bugs? It seems like all the want to do is blame the user.