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macrumors member
Original poster
May 17, 2013
Hey all - Does Messages in the Cloud actually work? I have four Apple devices. 2 out of the four seem to have my entire Messages in the Cloud history but my new iPhone 13 Pro Max doesn't seem to have all the message history, yet my new iPad mini does have the entire Messages in the Cloud history. I've tried rebooting, unchecking and rechecking the Messages in the Cloud option to try and resync, but to no avail.
I'm just wondering if this feature actually works when syncing across multiple devices, and if so, any tips? Should I reach out to Apple Support?


macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2014
Chicago, IL
Ok so it's not just me. I got an iPhone 13 Pro Max on launch day and did a full iCloud restore from my 12 Pro Max. I have like 60GB of messages in iCloud from 2013+. Those messages are not showing up on my iPhone 13 Pro Max. I have tried turning the phone on and off and I have tried disabling Messages in the Cloud, but my messages still have not appeared on my new iPhone.

I will make a bug report. Just recently made a bug report for the Lightning to Ethernet adapters not working with iPhone iOS 15 devices (USB-C to Ethernet works just fine on my iPad Pro with iOS 15) and Apple has already gotten back saying they are working on a fix for a future iOS update. many bugs...
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