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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 23, 2007
Does anyone know how to get the meta tags to show properly on files built in the .mov format in VisualHub? I am using the Apple TV 5.1+2.0 setting, and MetaX shows the tags being written, however they are not showing properly in the AppleTV or iTunes.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
or... is it possible to encode Apple TV 5.1+2.0 with a .m4v instead .mov?

Thanks in advance
Does anyone know how to get the meta tags to show properly on files built in the .mov format in VisualHub? I am using the Apple TV 5.1+2.0 setting, and MetaX shows the tags being written, however they are not showing properly in the AppleTV or iTunes.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Rename the file in iTunes... it should then ... for some reason... show the correct tag data and fix the problem.
Rename the file in iTunes... it should then ... for some reason... show the correct tag data and fix the problem.

by rename, do you mean rename them from .mov to .m4v or just add the tags in iTunes? I am trying to use MetaX to tag the files as I often move them between libraries.

Thanks again for everyone's help!
I have a similar problem with visualhub. In the past I would convert a .avi file using the appletv 5.1/2.0 setting and it would create an mp4 file, now it creates .mov files.

Are you saying I can just change the file type to mp4 or m4v from .mov and that is alright?

by rename, do you mean rename them from .mov to .m4v or just add the tags in iTunes? I am trying to use MetaX to tag the files as I often move them between libraries.

Thanks again for everyone's help!

I mean add the .mov file to iTunes. Then just rename or change any tag data in iTunes - like change the genre of the file, or rename the name of the movie , and the correct tag data should then just appear.
Unfortunately this data does not all copy over when moving files between libraries.
I have the same problem. I'm ripping my DVDs with HandBrake using the Apple TV presets, and sometimes it displays the information, and sometimes it doesn't. It will always display the description, title, genre, and length, but the rating emblem and the producer, screenwriter, actors, and director tags don't show up. I've tried changing the tags in iTunes, then syncing, but no luck.

Anybody else have this problem? Anyone know how I can go about fixing this?
or... is it possible to encode Apple TV 5.1+2.0 with a .m4v instead .mov?


If you make a regular AppleTV file (2.0 sound) VH makes a regular MP4 file. MP4 containers don't have a standard for integrating Dolby Digital/AC3 surround (5.1) sound.

For 5.1 sound, Apple uses it's own quicktime .mov container for MP4, which puts the 5.1 sound as a special audio track. VH uses Apple's system when you ask for a AppleTV 5.1/2.0.

So don't change .mov to .mp4 or .m4v - it's non-standard and I'm guessing you'll lose your 5.1 sound.

ps. for people who say Meta tags work sometimes and not others, are the files different as above?
For those saying that it is non standard having ac3 in mp4 take a look At ETSI TS 102 366 v1.2.1 which specifies how to do just that using The same method as apple and handbrake are using
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