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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 4, 2017
Long time reader first time poster here. I am hoping someone can help me out.

I am trying to move or copy 17000+ media files from one external drive to another. But it doesn't seem to copy over all of the metadata. For example, after copy, both drives will have the exact same number of files so I know it all transferred over but when I search for "Beatles" in Mac finder on my old drive it will give me 250 results. When I search for "Beatles" on the new drive, it will only give me 80 results.

The same will happen with other artist names. And, on iTunes I cannot see all of the artist names for those files on the new drive.

It seems to be ok if I copy over only a few files at a time but, if I do all or large chunks (300-400 files at a time), the problem persists. Anyone have any ideas?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
"It seems to be ok if I copy over only a few files at a time but, if I do all or large chunks (300-400 files at a time), the problem persists. Anyone have any ideas?"

The solution can be found in your quote above.
Try 40-50 files at a time. Or even less.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 12, 2008
East Riding of Yorkshire, UK
Slightly out of my area of expertise, but I wonder if macOS is just taking its time indexing the larger batch of files. If you give it a while, say ten mins or so after copying, so the files become searchable?
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