You download the music on your phone, then when you plug into iTunes it syncs back into your library. Same as when you buy from the iTunes store.
This is not true. In many ways, MewSeek Pro is really a huge scam in the sense that it works like dTunes, which downloads songs off of SeeqPod. The main selling point of MewSeek Pro is the ability to import downloaded songs directly to Mobile Music Player, however it doesn't come without some shortfalls.
One, if you import songs you downloaded, it immediately screws up the arrangement of your songs in your library. For example, if you open your iPod app and browse your music via songs/artists/albums, you'll notice that some songs that begin with, say, the letter "R" are mixed in with some songs in the letter "S."
Also, when re-syncing with your iTunes, iTunes deletes all of the downloaded songs that you had imported into your library. You would have to keep using MewSeek to re-import them each time you sync with your iTunes. Essentially, this defeats the purpose of this potentially awesome feature, as you pretty much still have to SSH into your phone to copy your downloaded (ahem, legal, non-copyrighted

) songs into your iTunes library, which in the end makes MewSeek Pro no different than its predecessor or dTunes for that matter.
Until these issues are fixed, there is no way I could justify paying $7.00 for this...great progress, but i'd stick to MewSeek 1 and dTunes (which even does torrents) for now.