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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 15, 2010
Eventhoughh I don't have iPad wifi+3G but I still can access Internet using my mobile broadband account. But instead using my USB modem which definitely not working on my iPad, I bought on eBay MiFi Modem cum router... So I can connect to an Internet anywhere as long as there is UMTS, HSPA, HSDPA, CDMA, WCDMA network available.

Basically MiFi will create a wireless hotspot and up to 5 devices can be connected. It come with it own SSID AND KEY so you can secure your wireless using WEP, WPA OR WPA2.

Boughtit cheaply from eBayand it works like magic. Just turn it on, turn the wifi button and connect buttonandyouup and running.
I am using the verizon MiFi device now. It is $60/mo and I've been using it for about a year because I travel a lot. I'm considering canceling it and turning on my iPad 3G. I'm not quite convinced I can function without a laptop yet... So am deferring that decision.

I tried this with a wifi iPad but eventually decided to return it and get a 3G. Main issues -- I got tired of having to turn it on, wait for it to connect to 3G, then connect my iPad to it. Also, it can't keep up with iPad's battery life. Couldn't even make a full day (even when trying to be thrifty) let alone the all-day, all-night I was getting with my wifi iPad and am still getting with the 3G!
I tried this with a wifi iPad but eventually decided to return it and get a 3G. Main issues -- I got tired of having to turn it on, wait for it to connect to 3G, then connect my iPad to it. Also, it can't keep up with iPad's battery life. Couldn't even make a full day (even when trying to be thrifty) let alone the all-day, all-night I was getting with my wifi iPad and am still getting with the 3G!

Yup myfi is crap, will kill iPhone battery in a few hours, it's unreliable.

Buy a 3 g iPad and don't bother with myfi

Hopefully this thread gets. Closed, we have many in this subject
The benefit that the MiFi has is that unlike an iPad 3G you can use the mobile broadband on your iPad, laptop, friend's laptop, etc. And all at the same time if you want.

More expensive, but more flexible.
Tethering a smart phone is the best option as it does not incur any addtional monthly charges.

Blanket statements like "best option" are generally not the best way to describe things. There are too many ways to measure "best".

For some, price is the driving factor and tethering may be the best option.
Others prioritize use over cost, and tethered may be the worst option.

For me personally, tethering is very undesirable. I am also not thrilled with the price of my Verizon MiFi... but it satisfies a legitimate business need of mine. I am evaluating if having "just the iPad" is sufficient for those times I do not have a WiFi connection. If I determine that it is, then I will cancel my $60 MiFi, and switch to a $30 iPad plan. The jury is still out.

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