Eventhoughh I don't have iPad wifi+3G but I still can access Internet using my mobile broadband account. But instead using my USB modem which definitely not working on my iPad, I bought on eBay MiFi Modem cum router... So I can connect to an Internet anywhere as long as there is UMTS, HSPA, HSDPA, CDMA, WCDMA network available.
Basically MiFi will create a wireless hotspot and up to 5 devices can be connected. It come with it own SSID AND KEY so you can secure your wireless using WEP, WPA OR WPA2.
Boughtit cheaply from eBayand it works like magic. Just turn it on, turn the wifi button and connect buttonandyouup and running.
Basically MiFi will create a wireless hotspot and up to 5 devices can be connected. It come with it own SSID AND KEY so you can secure your wireless using WEP, WPA OR WPA2.
Boughtit cheaply from eBayand it works like magic. Just turn it on, turn the wifi button and connect buttonandyouup and running.