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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2011
About three weeks ago I bought upgraded to an iPhone XR. Since then I have the problem that sound in videos that I record is very noisy and low level, except if I whisper. It is the case for both front and rear camera. Phone calls and speech memo work fine.

I have Gravis Germany's hardware insurance, which is sort of like Apple Care+, but with additional theft insurance. Before I ask to make use of it or something similar, I wonder, does anyone else here have experienced this same problem? It seems there is a few dozen people on the Apple forums who have experienced it (45 when I checked):

I have tried a factory reset via iPhone, which fixed the problem for a day or so, after which it returned. Apple now said I should to a reset via iTunes and not restore the cloud backup, to exclude a software problem in the backup. I will try that as well...

This is getting pretty tedious, and Gravis so far has not offered to simply replace the device, which might be the quickest way to get me a running device again, IF it is indeed a hardware fault.

Due to the nature of the problem and it disappearing after a reset, I would however tend to think this is rather a sofware problem, and over time some function for recording levels on the video mikes gets all confused and produces the crappy sound (again, except for whispering).

One more detail: when I switch stereo recording off, the problem disappears partially. Only the first second of sound will then be muted, the rest is fine. Weird.
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