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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 10, 2014
Every time I force quit a Microsoft Office app, the error reporting software pops up and says there has been an error and asks if I want to reopen whatever app I just quit. This has been happening the last couple macOS updates, but I'm not sure if it's a macOS issue. Is this happening to anyone else?
What happens if you exit the application without force quitting?

Seems like the force quit which is not the preferred method for exiting an application is triggering it as it thinks the application failed somehow.
What happens if you exit the application without force quitting?

Seems like the force quit which is not the preferred method for exiting an application is triggering it as it thinks the application failed somehow.
If I go to the task bar and quit from there, it quits fine and doesn't come up with any errors. But when I force quit the application (either using command-q or force quitting from the finder window) it always causes an error.

I generally force quit applications by using the key command as it's a quick way to close the application
cmd-q is not force quitting. That is keystroke for regular quit, same as if you choose Quit from the menu in Word, Powerpoint or Excel. Force-quit is much more drastic method of killing application which does not want to quit on its own and these are two VASTLY different methods of quitting. Force-quit should be rare, very rare, event. Quit is routine. When you Quit, you tell application to clean up and quit. You let it do what it is designed to do...
When you Force-quit you simply tell OS to kill the application without any chance of letting it to clean up and quit on its own.
Force-quit SHOULD generate error report. That is what the Error report was designed to do - catch when application died on its own or when user needed to Force-quit it. I actually sometimes even reboot Mac after Force-quitting any application to make sure I cleaned up anything which may be left over from this drastic measure. Especially with such ugly and badly designed beast as Office is...
My experience with Office (especially Word) has been (2011 though) that is often generates "crash report" on regular quit. If you do bit Google searching ("Office on OSX crashes on quit"), there is procedure what and how to clean up which Microsoft published when this starts happening. It varies based on OSX version and office version, so you need to find the correct procedure for your system...
If I understand this correctly (they do not explain, just give step-by-step procedure) there are temporary files which do not get removed on Quit properly and in subsequent runs of office they get in way of cleanup on Quit. And office keeps crashing in this clean up stage. Never ending cycle...
Simply said, once you Force-quit Office application, you need to do some manual cleanup before you have chance of quitting correctly. And even following the Microsoft procedure is no guarantee it will work - I had month or two when it crashed on EVERY quit. Manual cleanup or no cleanup... And then it just went away and I had not had such crash for months now.
Office is poorly designed software. At least 2011 I am using. DO Google search on the term I gave above and you will see.
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