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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2004
Well, since most everyone I know, including the people I live with use PCs and Microsoft Office, I was wondering if getting a copy of Office for my mac would be worth it? I'm happy with AppleWorks, but since we are constantly sharing files and such, it makes it a little bit of a hassle, even though it works.

What do you guys think? Would it be worth sinking even $150 on the student and teacher version of Office?
you could look for a cheap version of Office X on ebay or someplace instead of buying the 2004 version (unless you need/want some of the new features)

personally i am very glad i bought Office 2004. its what i need for school, and because i write a lot it helps that i can send .doc files to everyone i know and not worry if it will work or not
Duff-Man says....the question is not whether it is worth it to us, but if it is worth it to *you.* If it is not going to be a financial hardship for you and you can get the educational price legitimately, then I would buy it if it were me.....oh yeah!

It's definitely worth it. If you're looking at the Student and Teacher discount, consider this: if you or your family member(s) quailify because of college, realize that colleges offer massive discounts. My school (Amherst) lets me purchase a year-long license to Office 2004 for ten dollars. Friends of mine at other schools have similar prices. If you can't get the program through a college, I strongly recommend contacting a friend who can (though I'm not clear on the legality of this).

Mike LaRiviere
You might want to check out They are a company based in Dallas, Texas that offer many software titles at educational prices. Or you can go to a local Apple Store (if you have one locally) and get the Student/Teacher edition of Office for like $150, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Entourage, and MSN Messenger.
Definitely worth it if you go for the education version. I don't think Powerpoint and Entourage are worth the money (I use Keynote & instead) but definitely Word & Excel are best of breed on the Mac.
i think 2004 has some features that are nifty, like page layout view, and the presenter tools in powerpoint are priceless imo. plus, its much faster than .x. the apps launch like instantly on my 1.25ghz pb. you should diffenately have some kind of office besides appleworks, unless you cant stand M$ or something. i love being able to edit appleworks stuff that i do at school, but if i do something at home i always use office its much more powerfull.
Now...I've got a windows copy. Would you suggest trying out one of those windows emulators? If so...which one? If not, I'll just pick up a copy of it for mac...
emulation is slow and painstaking for any practical use. For occasional use, Virtual PC works, but not as well as one would want, plus you could just get the office student and teacher version for far less $ than VPC
Duff-Man says....*if* you need to run the occasional windoze program aside from office, and if those programs are not to demanding, then you may want to wait and get Office 2004 Pro when M$ releases it later this year, again, especially if you can get the educational price. If you are just using the Office applications though, just buy Office Mac now.....oh yeah!
Thanks a bunch guys. I'm going to pass by the campus bookstore tomorrow...if they are open...I can never remember their schedual cause it's so screwed up...
yep, educational office is so cheap it is almost insanity not to buy it. however, as mentioned, entourage and powerpoint are just crap and not worth installing, however, excel is a good app. i wouldn't also be too excited about word, because it is too bloated to act as text editor and sucks at real pixel-perfect publishing work. it's only good in opening word files and that's what it's worth.

if you can, stick to appleworks. if you know its word processing capabilities are not enough, you will not be much better with word either. if you really need to publish documents, you will need indesign or such. and with indesign, word is not any more useful than textedit is, and in fact textedit produces much less headaches to indesign workflow than word.

but for compatibility's sake, word is worth installing. for real work, no way. it always comes in the way.

i really hope apple does word killer soon. i wouldn't have difficulties in buying excel from microsoft in the future too, but i'd like to see word die. sooner the better. now that apple has keynote, next logical step is to create such a word processor that puts word to shame. maybe they could buy intellectual property of wordperfect from corel? they are not supporting mac anymore, so maybe they would let apple to develop their software for mac. after all, corel office is competing with microsoft office and that wouldn't be bad for their business ;)
Office 2004 for the Mac is better than the PC version. I would definitely get it.
Office 2004 is definitely worth $150, so if money is not a problem, get it! You won't regret it. I, too, think Office for Mac is at least as good as Office 2003 for Windows, if not better.
Guitarius said:
Well, since most everyone I know, including the people I live with use PCs and Microsoft Office, I was wondering if getting a copy of Office for my mac would be worth it? I'm happy with AppleWorks, but since we are constantly sharing files and such, it makes it a little bit of a hassle, even though it works.

What do you guys think? Would it be worth sinking even $150 on the student and teacher version of Office?

a cheaper option would be to make the PC people use .rtf... works well and you don't have to spend $150. though if you need all the stuff the .docs have then well, you might be willing to buy the Office.

I personally have it and actually hate it (office 2004). I'd like to see Apple come up with a redesigned AppleWorks that would beat up MS Office.
i found office to definitely be worth it. especially if you don't already have it. or can get a student discount.

my only complaint about the program is its ugly! I just mentioned this in another thread... but i honestly think it looks better in xp (in classic mode)

i just hate the cartoony colors, it doesn't look professional
If you are at a University I would check to see (at the campus reseller) if your school has an agreement with Microsoft to supply the students and faculty with a free copy of Office--my University has that agreemnet and I know many others do as well, so I get Office for free
I also wish that Access was also included in the suite.

I own Office v.X; how much better is 2004 in comparison, is it really worth upgrading or should I just wait for Office 2006/2007?
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