Was wondering what people here views would be if rather than just always having (as of now) one single line of tablets (with different memory/3G option)
They actually brought out two separate lines of them.
One, as of now, a simplified OS, more a consumption device, linked totally to the app store and another machine (PC or Mac) to create content on, and syncing to move content over.
And also to have another distinct/separate tablet line (more expensive of course) iPAd Pro ? That had a full touch enabled OSX on it.
That way offering both content creators, and consumers the choice of having the table that most suited their needs.
The reason I pose this question is this.
As years go by, let's say 10 years have gone by which is a very long time, CPU speeds get faster, multiple cores, mose advanced built in GPU's, battery live continues to advance, screens get higher res and lower power.
(Just imagine the above for a moment)
Are apple going to always "Hold back" the iPad into being a device that does what it does not, only a bit faster and a nicer screen with more memory.
Or are they going to think, hey this is silly, this 5Ghz tablet with 512GB of memory with a battery that lasts 5 days on one charge, could run OSX without even breaking a sweat. Why are we stopping it from doing so?
I have difficulty thinking Apple will never allow a Tablet to evolve more.
Perhaps a OSX MAc Laptop could end up being a Tablet/Laptop, where it looks like a laptop, and you can pull the screen away and then have the same machine but with on-screen keyboard, till you dock it again.
What do you think, or what would you like to happen over the next 1, 5, 10 years?
1: Apple to only make a Tablet like they do today, mainly for content consumption. But a bit faster with a nicer screen and more storage.
2: Apple to bring out two lines of Tablets, one as we have now, and a second "Pro" line that runs a touch enabled version of OSX.
3: Apple to add more and more features to the current tablet to make it into a content creation device, but still not have a full OS unlinked from iTunes?
4: Something else you'd like the Tablet evolve into?
They actually brought out two separate lines of them.
One, as of now, a simplified OS, more a consumption device, linked totally to the app store and another machine (PC or Mac) to create content on, and syncing to move content over.
And also to have another distinct/separate tablet line (more expensive of course) iPAd Pro ? That had a full touch enabled OSX on it.
That way offering both content creators, and consumers the choice of having the table that most suited their needs.
The reason I pose this question is this.
As years go by, let's say 10 years have gone by which is a very long time, CPU speeds get faster, multiple cores, mose advanced built in GPU's, battery live continues to advance, screens get higher res and lower power.
(Just imagine the above for a moment)
Are apple going to always "Hold back" the iPad into being a device that does what it does not, only a bit faster and a nicer screen with more memory.
Or are they going to think, hey this is silly, this 5Ghz tablet with 512GB of memory with a battery that lasts 5 days on one charge, could run OSX without even breaking a sweat. Why are we stopping it from doing so?
I have difficulty thinking Apple will never allow a Tablet to evolve more.
Perhaps a OSX MAc Laptop could end up being a Tablet/Laptop, where it looks like a laptop, and you can pull the screen away and then have the same machine but with on-screen keyboard, till you dock it again.
What do you think, or what would you like to happen over the next 1, 5, 10 years?
1: Apple to only make a Tablet like they do today, mainly for content consumption. But a bit faster with a nicer screen and more storage.
2: Apple to bring out two lines of Tablets, one as we have now, and a second "Pro" line that runs a touch enabled version of OSX.
3: Apple to add more and more features to the current tablet to make it into a content creation device, but still not have a full OS unlinked from iTunes?
4: Something else you'd like the Tablet evolve into?