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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2017
My iMac has begun to make a very strange noise. It is not an internal noise. It is coming from the speakers. The sound is the sam sound as when you click on a link that is blocked "dudunk". But this dudunk noise is rhythmic and fast " du du du du du". When I move the mouse it stops. Which makes me think it is something wrong with the mighty mouse and not the computer at all. The sound happens when the iMac is at rest and consistently when it is on the password log in screen. When this noise is happening if I try and open a drop down list it is near impossible to click on a choice since every choice is highlighted and 'dancing' to the du du du sound!

Do I need a new mouse or is there a plug in to help?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2016
When this noise is happening if I try and open a drop down list it is near impossible to click on a choice since every choice is highlighted and 'dancing' to the du du du sound!

Something is resting on you keyboard causing a key to auto-repeat. Or possibly, you've spilled something into the keyboard, causing a key to short out.

Disconnect your keyboard (if it is wired), or take it far away from the computer (if wireless) to see if this is the problem.
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