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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 11, 2016
Hi everyone

I have trawled the internet trying to find help on this - and fear that there may not be an answer...but I am willing to try any method available to try and fix this.

Bit of background (note - my actual question relates to moving iMessage history from macbook to iPhone, but will give the reason first):
In short - my girlfriend's iPhone 5s (recently updated to iOS 10.1.1) has completely deleted all of her iMessages/SMS randomly. After visiting the store and talking to a number of Apple genii, they confirmed that yes - this happens from time to time, and there is absolutely nothing she can do to retrieve them from her device. We have tried and paid for several of the online options for recovery (Fone Doctor, Phone Rescue, iMyFone-D) - but the information truly is lost. Sadly, she has not made a backup of her iPhone since 2013 - so that is not an option either.

Having looked on her MBP, there are iMessage conversations on there that span back just over a's not ideal, as there were several years of conversation history on her phone - however it is certainly better than nothing! I would like to move these conversations over to the iPhone.

My question: Is there a method or programme (happy to try anything - third party apps, hacking...etc) to be able to migrate/merge an entire iMessage history FROM a macbook pro (EC 10.11) to an iPhone? If not (my googling tells me there is some fairly sophisticated encryption that would make this difficult) - are there other options for her to export these conversations from her Macbook and re-load to her iPhone (possibly an app for iPhone that has the same UI as Messages but that can read the exported MacBook messages?).

Sorry if this has been asked already - please point me to the right thread if so, and we would be hugely grateful for any help with this question, or alternative suggestions to achieve the same thing.


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