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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 16, 2011
I use google cal for my personal calander and have it sync to my iphone and ical (via exchange) . I want to start using iCloud instead. Is there an easy way to copy all my enteries from google to icloud cal?
you can export your calendar from google calendar in it's settings, though I don't know if you can import the file into iCloud.

you could just stop the sync with one of the devices, hope that the entries still stay on the phone/computer and sign into iCloud and (I think) that will upload all the entries to iCloud.

either way download the calendar from google before you start as backup, so you can get all your entries in the case something screws up and you loose all your entries.
you can export your calendar from google calendar in it's settings, though I don't know if you can import the file into iCloud.

you could just stop the sync with one of the devices, hope that the entries still stay on the phone/computer and sign into iCloud and (I think) that will upload all the entries to iCloud.

either way download the calendar from google before you start as backup, so you can get all your entries in the case something screws up and you loose all your entries.

If I stop the sync it deletes all the entries, BUT you did help me greatly.

Once I export the google cal I can import it in iCal as a native calandar. From here it's easy to get it to sync with iCloud.

Have both accounts setup in iCal and then just go through and copy over calendar entries from Google > iCloud.
My family is working with a few shared calendars on a number of different devices at the same time. Google calendar is still the best bet for this seeing how iCal doesn't have an easy way to share. :rolleyes:
iCloud does indeed have calendar sharing.

I was able to successfully transfer calendar data by adding my Google Calendars inside iCal, exporting to .ics and then importing the .ics files back to my iCloud calendars. Worked like a charm, even got all of my repeats and alerts.
I would change over but I much rather have emails or txts as alerts as they don't go away when you unlock the phone so if I can't do it right away I still have the reminder.
How can one migrate from gcal to icloud cal on Windows? I don't have iCal so not sure how I could import the gcal into anywhere...
Perhaps try the same process with outlook in place of iCal, or get a Mac. Lol
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