So last night I bought a 27" iMac, base model for $1599 with student discount. I get it into my room, unbox it (will post pics later), rejoice that it fits on my current desk, and I turn it on. I start going through the migration assistant process, doing it wireless, because I remembered when I got my new Macbook, that the wireless only took about 6 hours. Well not this time, I wake up this morning, and notice I still have another 16 hours to go. Now this wouldn't matter, except for the fact that I need the files to finish writing a paper due Tuesday. I finally found some spare Cat5e cable, and was wondering if there was a way for me to pause the migration to switch transfer methods. I was reading that MA is now fail proof, where as if it gets interrupted, it'll let you resume. If so, I was just going to unplug my router, let it detect the ethernet, an continue that way. Any ideas?