Is it possible to migrate data from oMP 4.1 to nMP? I'm guessing if so has to be via USB. But I do have a TB to FW adapter that may speed things.
Or should I really just do a total clean install of all apps
Is it possible to migrate data from oMP 4.1 to nMP? I'm guessing if so has to be via USB. But I do have a TB to FW adapter that may speed things.
Or should I really just do a total clean install of all apps
Is it possible to migrate data from oMP 4.1 to nMP? I'm guessing if so has to be via USB. But I do have a TB to FW adapter that may speed things.
Or should I really just do a total clean install of all apps
TB to FW -- Interesting thought. I've already moved most of my data from internal drives to a new Drobo. 8 TB took about 2 weeks via USB 2. I've only got about 200 MB on my SSD so I'll muddle through somehow. I probably will use your TB to FW idea since I'll need to connect my nMP to some existing FW devices.