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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 5, 2003

Information about this subject seems sparse and contradictory. Is TB backwards compatible whit mini DP?

For example, could I plug an Apple Cinema Display (with mini DP) directly into the MacBook Air's TB port?

Or daisy chain an Apple Cinema Display into an Apple TB display plugged into that MacBook air?


Yes, you can plug mDP Cinema Display into a TB Air.
Yes, your can daisy chain a mDP Cinema Display using a TB Air. But you have to have the mDP Cinema Display at the end of the chain.

Thanks for the (obvious, my bad) link, and the daisy chain info.

One last bit of info I didn't manage to find: would the new Apple TB display work when plugged into a regular mini DP port? My guess is that it would only work as a display, and that none of the other ports would work.


Thanks for the (obvious, my bad) link, and the daisy chain info.

One last bit of info I didn't manage to find: would the new Apple TB display work when plugged into a regular mini DP port? My guess is that it would only work as a display, and that none of the other ports would work.


Ding ding ding! You WIN!!!
Ding ding ding! You WIN!!!

Is there some Apple manual or support doc that says that?

The tech spec page ( granted out of the marketing/sales folks of late) says no:

"System Requirements: Thunderbolt-enabled Mac computer, including MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and iMac "

Also Intel's docs

" ... A Thunderbolt connector on a computer is capable of connecting with a cable to Thunderbolt products or to DisplayPort devices. ... Compatibility with DisplayPort devices is provided by an interoperability mode between host devices and DisplayPort products; if a DisplayPort device is detected, a Thunderbolt controller will drive compatibility mode DisplayPort signals to that device. ... "

In the Apple Display case the device is the DisplayPort device. It is not the host (at least in the normal usage of the word). Folks are assuming it is has compatiblity mode in both directions as opposed to as a just the primary host or a leaf node on a daisy chain network.
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"System Requirements: Thunderbolt-enabled Mac computer, including MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and iMac "
Ofcourse they have to write that, to use all of the features of the TB Display (ethernet, usb, firewire, speakers, mic, webcamera) they need a Thunderbolt equiped Mac, but the new display still works with all other Display Port equiped computers, but then you only can use the screen itself, not the other features.
Or daisy chain an Apple Cinema Display into an Apple TB display plugged into that MacBook air?

May not work. Only because the MBA probably can't drive 3 monitors (internal panel , TB Display , and mDP Display ) . It is only 200-300 MB of integrated graphics memory. A MBP 15" or 17" yes.

Using mDP because the last time Apple tried this

The non standard connector was an impediment to adoption. This way even if there are no TB devices out there (just like it launched) people can still use the port.
Ofcourse they have to write that, to use all of the features of the TB Display (ethernet, usb, firewire, speakers, mic, webcamera) they need a Thunderbolt equiped Mac

It is trivial to put a little asterisk or mark next to that and put some short sentence at the bottom saying "there is a diminished capacity mode where ports don't work" if that is really true. That would sell more devices to more folks. As written anyone with a DP would walk away ( as it isn't really a requirement.)

For example a game the would work in a minimal mode with OpenGL 2.1 but needed 3.1 for 'advanced features' .
I have no idea why you keep writing in several threads that this new thunderbolt display may not work with computers that just have DP, it works, stop confusing people.
connecting 2 displays with minidisplay cables possible?

It is not clear for me please answer:
I need to put my MBPro far from my table (in another room and use it in mode with closed lid) but TB cables can be only 1,5 metres long

Is it possible to use 2 MINI display cables instead of TB cables to connect 2 newest Apple displays to my MB Pro this way:

MacBookPro ----> AppleCinemaDisplay1 connected with Minidisplay cable to MBPro -----> AppleCinemaDisplay2 connected with MiniDisplay cable (to TB port of Display1)?


MacBookPro --> TB HDD Raid connected with TB cable ---> AppleCinemaDisplay1 connected with minidisplay cable to the TB port of HDDRaid -----> AppleCinemaDisplay2 connected with minidisplay cable to the TB port of Display1
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