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Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
Georgia, USA
I am trying to start to use my MacBook Air more and more; coming from Windows.
And, with that, curious, do YOU minimize windows/applications (pressing the yellow icon, top left corner of the app) when you are not using them, or leave them up?

Does that even make a difference to the processing power or memory being used?
Again, coming from Windows, my mindset is different. Hence, my question. Thanks

PS: I hope this is the correct section to post this. Failing that, please move it accordingly.
I don't minimize windows. If I need a window to stay open for reference while I have other windows open, I use the Sidecar function and move that necessary window to my iPad.

I also use Command + Tab to quickly move between apps.
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i live by command-H; i just hide the app i'm working in when i go to another app. then command-tab to bring up the app switcher to go to that other app (full disclosure: i've had the dock permanently locked away... since 10.3.9).

but, of course, you can just bring up the app you want to switch to from the dock (or spotlight). lot of choices... a good thing.
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